Webarok is a web based remote control for Amarok.

Screenshots are available here

Sourceforge.net project site:

0. Prerequisites

You need to have installed
1. Amarok 2 (tested with 2.1 to 2.3)
2. Python (tested with version 2.6)
3. Python dbus bindings (package python-dbus on kubuntu)
4. A webbrowser
5. Python mysql bindings (package python-mysqldb on kubuntu)
   --> to search a Amarok collection using a standalone MySQL server
6. Instead of Amarok, use VLC

1. Installation

Get the sourcecode and place it somewhere on the same computer as 
Amarok is running



svn co https://webarok.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/webarok/webarok/src webarok

2. Configuration

Webarok can show album art. For this it is neccessary to have access to 
the folder on the filesystem, where Amarok stores the album art.
Normally this folder is:

To restrict the access of webarok to this folder, open the file 
Configuration/Configuration.py and edit the line

self.artfolder = "/home/***PLEASE CHANGE THIS***/.kde/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/"

to match the folder with your setup

3. Starting Webarok

Make sure Amarok is already running. Open a terminal and enter:

cd <<Path/to/Webarok>>
python webarok.py

If everything is OK, there should be some output like:

init MyDbus class
Starting webarok server

4. Using Webarok

Open a browser and connect to the computer where webarok is running on port 8085. 
If you started the browser on the same box as you installed webarok, then enter:


Now Webaroks interface should be visible and you are able to control Amarok via 
this interface.  Have fun with it now :)

4.1 Using themes

To load a specific theme, enter the URL

Up to now, 4 themes exist:
--> the new tabbed default theme
--> uses a tab view to separate current song and controls, playlist, lyrics, collection search and settings,
--> uses also a smaller font to save screen estate
--> UI similar to KDE4
--> see explore_phone_theme.jpg for more details

--> the old default theme

--> same as oldshool, but with transparent background, looks nice in webbrowser plasmoids

--> uses a tab view to separate current song and controls, playlist and settings,
--> uses also a smaller font to save screen estate

5. Searching the Amarok collection
Searching the Amarok collection only works if a separate standalone MySQL server is used. webarok directly queries the database and does not use Amarok at all.
The python-mysql bindings have to be installed. Only the phone theme supports this feature for now.
Pres on the + button in the result list to add this track to the end of the playlist
Doubleclick on an entry in the result list to add this track to the playlist and play this song immediatly.

To enable collection search, edit Configuration/Configuration.py:
Change self.mySqlOpts to match your settings.

If you won't use MySql you may set self.useCollection to False to avoid MySql-Errors.

6. Translation
webarok comes with translation support. Open the file
and edit the line:

self.language = 'en'

Possible values for now are 'en' for English, 'de' for German, 'cs' for

7. Using VLC
webarok is no longer tied to Amarok. With the current release, VLC support is added. VLC support is in a early stage.
Searching the media library is not supported at all, as well as album covers. Basic controls and playlist actions should work in the same way as with Amarok.

VLC needs to be started with "vlc --control dbus", otherwise dbus support is not activated.

8. Troubleshooting

Visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/webarok/ and check forums or mailing lists

9.  Changelog

- czech translation

- translation support:
  included translations:
      - English 
      - German  

- new default theme: phone
- seek funcionality: click somewhere on the progressbar to jump to any position within the current track.
                     support only in the new default theme
- search funcionality: search Amarok collection if stored in a standalone MySQL server
- lyrics
- VLC support

- Bugfix: Album art URL contains spaces
- Bugfix: VolumeUp does not work

- webarok does not chrash on startup when Amarok is not running
- Visual enhancements like time formatting, progress bar and some layout changes suggestet by khaytsus
- better playlist handling to reduce neccessary request
- Amarok gets muted while stepping through the playlist
- Refresh rates are customizable

9. ToDo / Roadmap
- optional basic authentication interface
- better VLC support
- using /Collection dbus interface for searching the collection
- XBMC support
- mplayer support


khaytsus (default/transparent theme)
orakeldel (phone theme, MySQL collection support, seek funcionality)
fri (czech translation)

Prototype Javascript library: http://www.prototypejs.org
Livepipe Javascript widget library: http://livepipe.net
Scriptaculous Javascript effects library: http://script.aculo.us

Dark Glass icon set: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/DarkGlass_Reworked?content=67902



And of course all the basic stuff:

And Sourceforge for hosting this project:

In older version, but removed now:
Progressbar pictures:
Relay: http://ecosmear.com/relay